‘Should I replace my printer?’ This is a question that many of us have asked some time or another. Even those that are well-versed in the online stratosphere, are well-schooled in hardware, or have spent a large proportion of their working lives developing or working with software packages may feel fundamentally stumped when their printer fails, or begins to.

Common thought dictates that if the cost of repairing a printer equates to more than half the overall cost of purchasing a new one then a wiser decision may well be to purchase a new printer. However, as the technology insider printers evolves and smaller printers last longer, this standard changes.

Another factor that you need to consider is do you believe that once one particular issue has been resolved, the printer will prove consistently reliable for future use. There is also the fact that technology is evolving all the time, is it really worth investing considerable money to resolving any issues when the potential for a separate malady to befall the printer sooner rather than later?

Here is a short guide of what appropriate action needs to be taken for anyone presently encountering problems with their printer.

Consistent and small repairs not only prove to be frustrating, but costly. Even if the cost of repairing the printer is minimal each time, printers aren’t supposed to falter continually. If this occurs, then this is a sign of a larger issue. Small parts may becoming brittle, or the machine may not have the capabilities to carry out the work that you’re asking of it. If the printer malfunctions every few months, it’s time to buy a new one.

The cost of replacement parts is a pivotal factor to consider. This is one of the principal reasons that consumers decide to buy a new printer. Inkjet printers are especially difficult to repair as their parts are not manufactured – the printers were designed to be replaced.

Technology doesn’t stand still. Anyone that is presently using a printer with a parallel port may well be advised to change their printer. These printers may well allow you to convert USB to parallel but other software changes mean that it’s nearly impossible to use old printers. When upgrading your computer, it’s always advised to upgrade the printer.

Minimal printer usage should be considered. The nature of some businesses is such that their printer is only used on the odd occasion. On the other hand, some businesses rely on their printer to a greater extent. If you’re one of those businesses that uses the printer sparingly, it’s worth considering the necessity of the printer, or the cost should you have to repair or replace it.

These are just three reasons why you must carefully consider whether to repair or replace your printer. Obviously, if you rely on your printer heavily and it begins to malfunction you’ll have some important decisions t make.