Getting the best from your Multi-functioning printers; Tricks, Tips and Hacks

Getting the best from your Multi-functioning printers; Tricks, Tips and Hacks

Printers have become increasingly popular over the years and as personal and desktops computer technology have developed over the years so have the printing technology. Multi-functioning or All-in-one printers were created as an answer to consumers demand for a one stop shop for all your “Printing Needs” needs that include scanning, photocopying and faxing.  Some […]

How do fax machines work?

What is a fax machine? Short for facsimile which means ‘making an exact copy of’, the telecopying, telefax or fax machine allows a person to send a scanned image of a document or picture to another fax machine or the like.

Five reasons why the fax machine is still essential

Despite the digital age, fax machines have become increasingly depended upon, and hence scarce, in working environments. Despite this businesses throughout the UK still invest in fax solutions, for those that either haven’t considered or don’t use facsimile machines, here’s a list of fivereasons to consider employing fax machines.